The ONE and Only ,The ORIGINAL Willie the Bee Man, Bee removal Specialistsis known as one of the finest professional beeremoval companies in Boca Raton, Florida.

Bee Removal in these Florida Counties

Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Monroe, St.Lucie, Martin, Indian River

                   HonestFastFriendlyEffective Bee Removal Service

When possible we save the honeybees.

Complete Bee Hive Removal Done RIGHT the FIRST TIME

 305 933 2337        561.571.2337      954.947.2337       772.800.2337


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Bee Removal in

Boca Raton


Bee Exterminator Boca RatonAre you a home owner in the Boca Raton area who has recently made the unpleasant discovery of finding a bee’s nest on your property? If so, then you are probably wondering what you can do to get rid of the bees so as to ensure that they do not bother you, your family, or your neighbors. Having a bee hive on your property can be an especially unnerving experience; especially if anybody at your home is allergic to bee stings. While most bees will not sting unless provoked, the possibility of stings or multiple stings is always there. For this reason, and many others you need to call a professional bee Removal/exterminator in Boca Raton. The Original Willie the Bee Man is a licensed and insured bee removal specialist and can be reached at 561.571.2337 to have the situation resolved correctly the first time and for an affordable price.

The Dangers of Bees

Honey bees can be completely harmless, but they all possess sharp stingers that can easily pierce human flesh. Not to mention, bee stings can cause a serious allergic reaction in many that leads to swelling, itchiness, redness, and even trouble breathing in some cases. It all depends on the severity of the allergy. Either way, it is not a risk worth taking.


Furthermore, the bees on your property could become a threat to others such as your mail delivery person, neighborhood children, and others. If a situation occurs where somebody else gets stung on your property and it is determined that you knew about the bee’s nest but did nothing to get rid of it, then you could very well be sued by the victim. For this reason, it is best to be safe and get the bee hive taken care of as soon as possible by a professional bee exterminator in Boca Raton. The Original Willie the Bee Man and his team of professional bee exterminators have the equipment and experience to handle bee and bee hive removal jobs of any size.

Methods of Extermination

You may have heard of a common bee extermination method known as “spray and seal,” which essentially involves filling a bee’s comb with chemicals and sealing it with the assumption that the chemicals will kill all the bees. Unfortunately, this method is rarely effective and, as a result, home owners end up wasting their hard-earned money with a failed extermination service. This can be extremely frustrating; not to mention, this type of attempt at extermination can even further agitate the bees themselves, making them more prone to attack or sting.

By calling The Original Willie the Bee Man you can hire the best bee exterminator in Boca Raton and the surrounding areas. All home or property owners will have peace of mind in knowing that the extermination was done right the first time.

So if you are a Boca Raton home owner and are dealing with honey bee problems on your property, then call The Original Willie the Bee Man right now at 561.571.2337  and schedule an extermination appointment at your home.